Apr 7, 2006

اخت الاخوة

: شي احساس يتراوح بين
الذئب ارحم من اخوتي
آه يا جرحي المكابر
وطني ليس حقيبة
وأنا لست مسافر
إنني العاشق، والأرض حبيبة

العراق الاوحد يتمنى للمسافرين الكرام الذهاب بالسلامة على امل "العودة" التي تقترب كلما غاب النهار ... نهار
المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية, احفاد الرسول, ابو عيون جريئة تعلن عن اسفها لمن المت بهم الحال على هالحال, لكن التوازن السكاني حساس. شو اللبناني احسن مننا, فشر


Hilal CHOUMAN said...

fashar ma fee 7adan bidarib 3layna.. w bethbetlak yeha!
7arejneh bil demograhical situation w ana brajj3ak 3ala statics.. bas te3ool ayya seneh..a ywa sinit 1932...shefet keef?

le2eeleh adrab min heik! 32 32 32!!!

Mo said...

this, i think, is a solid demonstration

bta3rif byedersou l "lebanese case" bi jém3at l 3alam la2an ma fi adrab min heik

i know a guy who was doing sociology, they were told about this special case, we have the most obsolete demographical stats of the world.
how could a government plan and work for the needs of its people if it has no official census, if they don't know the composition of this people.
or maybe they are much more advanced than all other counties in the world, census is out dated stuff we don't need.
enno can't they do a census without asking about the religion, did any one think about this? as long as we stay stuck in our fucking 6 and 6bis, never will we hope for our problems to be solved.

Amal Ziad Kaawash أمل زياد كعوش said...

I know I'm gonna drift away from the subject ..

But if you haven't heard this before, give Amal Murkus a listen

Here she is singing "Diaries of a Palestinian Wound"

yawmiyat jur7 falastini

Which you mentioned in your post

Here's the link


Mo said...

Amal, all your "drifts" are more than welcome.

the first time i heard this song was about two years ago, i didn't know about Darwish's poem before hearing it, as for lots of darwish's poems that i first discovered in Marcel Khalife's songs

and i can tell you the four lines she sang along with her voice
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